Webservers & Caches

Webservers & Caches
I’m a graph-diagram-table person. And when someone asks how web servers and caches are mixed, I now have an image to give them!   Now we can visually see how web server interacts with a page cache in apache, nginx & varnish. And how user cache and opcache for PHP are separated by services like ...

Installing the latest PHP (5.4.23 / 5.5.7) on CentOS/RHEL 1

Method 1 – Remi Repo The Remi Repository (famillecollet.com) maintains the newest PHP for CentOS, RHEL, etc. And by newest, I mean newer than all other major repos. All you need to do is install PHP with Remi enabled. As of writing this article, Remi has 5.4.23 for CentOS, RHEL, etc. If you want even ...

Understanding IOWait 6

IOWait definition & properties IOWait (usually labeled %wa in top) is a sub-category of idle (%idle is usually expressed as all idle except defined subcategories), meaning the CPU is not doing anything. Therefore, as long as there is another process that the CPU could be processing, it will do so. Additionally, idle, user, system, iowait, ...

Diagnosing Windows – Sysinternals

I always found it odd that there are actually quite excellent tools made by Microsoft to diagnose issues with Windows but failed to include it with Windows while offering them for free. What am I talking about you ask? I mean Windows Sysinternals. Or you can get the full package by getting Sysinternals Suite. Sysinternals ...

Settings for Uploading Large Files in PHP.ini 3

tl;dr version at bottom.   A long time ago, when I pondered of good settings to allow large file uploads for PHP, I naturally searched Google. I blindly followed at the time. How could I have known better? There were millions of bad advices! But now I know better. And so in hopes to offset ...