How to use NewRelic with SELinux

NewRelic doesn’t seem to work with SELinux out of the box and it appears it’s out of the scope of NR’s support. So, here’s how to run NR while having SELinux protection. First, we’re going to create the rule file: # mkdir ~/newrelic # cd ~/newrelic # nano newrelic.te The contents of the file should ...

Protected: Cron jobs, the pros and cons of multiple ways to set them

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Making CSF work with OpenVPN 4

This guide will assume you have both Config Server Firewall (CSF) and OpenVPN already installed and working individually. To make CSF work with OpenVPN, you’ll need to create extra iptable rules. We do that by adding them to 1 nano /etc/csf/csfpre.shnano /etc/csf/ If the file does not exist, you can create it. If it ...

Changing Limits for Services with CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 / Systemd 7

Hitting too many open file limit for apache? In the previous OS versions, changing limits like open file number would be set in /etc/security/limits.conf or directly inside the start up script. In some ways the new method brings better organization to the limits, but its change is very confusing to people who were expecting the ... is 11 years, 11 months and 11 days old! 1

Today marks the eleventh year eleventh month eleventh day of Serving little purposeĀ for nearly 12 years and many more to come! Time sure flies…