Installing Software RAID on Centos 5/6/7 via SSH 11

Considering number of dedicated server rentals that just gives JBOD, setting up your own software raid is quite handy. This tutorial goes over the very basic of how it’s done. All of this should be done under root. Let’s say you have 3 disks: sda, sdb & sdc. The OS is mounted on the sda, so ...

Installing the latest PHP (5.4.23 / 5.5.7) on CentOS/RHEL 1

Method 1 – Remi Repo The Remi Repository ( maintains the newest PHP for CentOS, RHEL, etc. And by newest, I mean newer than all other major repos. All you need to do is install PHP with Remi enabled. As of writing this article, Remi has 5.4.23 for CentOS, RHEL, etc. If you want even ...

Installing VNC for Centos 6 (VPS) 9

How to Install VNC on Centos 6 (VPS) Well, I usually don’t make these tutorials because there are often tons out there already available. However, I found the existing ones incomplete or inadequate to complete the task. So, this is meant to start from the very very fresh starting point. First, let’s install essentials to ...